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“It is no longer an issue of whether using VR is scientifically valid, but whether we are committed to using it in healthcare.”

- Brennan Spiegal, MD

Director of Health Services Research, Cedars-Sinai

Upgrade your medical training with XR technology! XR simulations reduce errors, improve confidence and knowledge, and save time and costs. Join us today to revolutionize your learning experience and become an expert in medical XR simulations.

XR saves lives 

  • Compared to traditional simulations, studies demonstrate that XR can reduce clinical errors by >50%1 and surgical errors by >80%2, and improve time-to-intervention by 29%3
  • XR training has shown to increase learner confidence by 45%4 self-efficiency by 19%5 and decreases anxiety by 23%6
  • Participants in XR training programs have exhibited 44% increase in clinical knowledge and over double cognitive skills scores7 compared to traditional training.

XR is engaging 

  • On average, students exhibit a 70% increase in engagement with learning when using XR8.
  • Students consistently rate XR as having higher usability9, acceptance10, and interest in using again11.
  • Students report a greater sense of presence and attention during XR training12 and view XR simulation as a valuable training modality13.

XR is cost-effective 

  • Compared to manikin simulations, XR technology provides a 52% reduction in time needed and a 54% decrease in the cost per learner per session14.
  • Using XR can result in a projected 335% increase in cost-utility15 and a potential savings of 104% in ROI over a three-year period16.

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